Wildlife license plates
Deer with antlers

Wildlife license plates

Show your support for Utah wildlife with a specialty license plate.

Deer skull license plate
Cutthroat trout license plate
Elk license plate
Kestrel (bird) license plate

Show off your sense of style and your favorite wildlife activity by purchasing a Utah wildlife license plate — all while helping support Utah's wildlife!

Most of the funding used to manage Utah's wildlife comes from hunting and fishing license/permit sales. Utah drivers can also support species they care about by purchasing a wildlife license plate.

Where do license plate funds go?

Revenue from mule deer and elk plates supports big game management. Revenue from the trout plate supports fisheries management. Revenue generated from the kestrel plate helps conserve the state's native wildlife and habitat.

How much do license plates cost?

When you switch to a wildlife license plate, a portion of the cost will be donated directly to the DWR, and a portion will be collected by the Utah Department of Motor Vehicles. Of your annual registration renewal, $25 will be donated to the DWR each year.

How to get your plate

There are three easy ways to obtain wildlife license plates:

  1. Request and pay for wildlife license plates when you buy a new vehicle.
  2. Visit the DMV to switch license plates. You'll need your current registration and a payment of $40 (to cover the cost of the new plates and registration stickers).
  3. Obtain wildlife license plates by mail. Just send a copy of your current registration, a check for $43 (to cover the cost of the new plates, registration stickers and shipping) and a note indicating which plates you want to:

    Utah State Tax Commission
    Motor Vehicle Division
    P.O. Box 30412
    Salt Lake City, UT 84130