Dedicated Hunters
Volunteers at a service project

Dedicated Hunter Program

Greater opportunities to hunt and contribute to Utah's wildlife.

Volunteers at a service project

The Dedicated Hunter Program is a service-based hunting program that allows participants to have more time to hunt deer (general season) each year. This program:

  • Promotes the overall hunting experience, rather than consistently taking an animal.
  • Provides hunters with opportunities to contribute their time to wildlife-related service projects.
  • Provides participants with additional education about wildlife management and ethics.

Volunteers at a service project

Dedicated hunters work on an important habitat rehabilitation project after a wildlife.

As a result of this program, many important wildlife-related projects are accomplished each year that, otherwise, could not be done.

Before you join
Dedicated Hunter participant guide

Want to learn more? Listen to the DWR "Wild" podcast!

DWR Dedicated Hunter and Walk-In Access Coordinator Bryan Christensen talks about Utah's Dedicated Hunter Program: what it is, how it works, why it is a win-win for wildlife conservation and avid hunters, and how to get involved. Note: At the time of this recording, the buyout price for one hour of service was $20. As of July 1, 2023, the buyout time for one hour is $40.