Administrative Rules
Gavel and weights

Administrative rules

These rules govern Utah hunting, fishing and wildlife management.

Utah's wildlife administrative rules govern the actions of the DWR and how it manages Utah's wildlife and wildlife-related activities, like hunting and fishing. The rules found in the various DWR guidebooks are taken from the relevant administrative rules.

The administrative rules are passed by the Utah Wildlife Board. The Wildlife Board is authorized by Utah statute to determine many of the rules that govern hunting, fishing and wildlife management in Utah.

The board meets regularly to review and modify the wildlife administrative rules to meet the changing needs of Utah's wildlife. Before the board members make changes to wildlife rules, they listen to recommendations from DWR biologists, Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) and the public.

The governor appoints the seven board members to serve six-year terms. Board members are not DWR employees. The DWR director serves as the board's executive secretary, but does not have a vote on wildlife policies.

The menu items on the right lead to Utah's wildlife administrative rules.

The menu items below lead to Utah's wildlife administrative rules.