Instructor-led hunter education
Youth shooting a gun

Entirely in-person instructor-led hunter education

How to take this course

  1. Purchase a Hunter Education Registration Certificate ($12) before registering for a class. You may purchase a certificate online or at any division office or license agent location.
  2. Find a course in your area and register online.
Total class time:
Typically 6–12 hours
Class meets:
1–2 nights a week,
3–4 weeks long
$12.00 for a Hunter Education Registration Certificate*
Online registration

* Some facilities charge to rent a room or range, which increases the cost.

This course is required to obtain a hunting license in Utah if you were born after Dec. 31, 1965.

Course includes instruction on firearm safety, hunter responsibility, wildlife management, survival, wildlife ID and more.

It typically runs for 3–4 weeks with classes meeting one or two nights per week. At the end of the course, you will take a final written exam and undergo a live-fire shooting exercise. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend.

After you register